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League Loader

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1League Loader Empty League Loader Di 30 Jun 2009, 08:31


Hallo zusammen,

es gibt nun einen League Loader für NHL09 (BETA):


2League Loader Empty Re: League Loader Di 30 Jun 2009, 10:19



Schade nur dass es noch keine Englische Anleitung dafür gibt. Crying or Very sad

3League Loader Empty Re: League Loader Mi 01 Jul 2009, 08:15


Schöne Grüße vom Autor:

NHL09 LeagueLoader v2.1

Utility to change the number of teams in leagues EXTRA, DEL, SM, ELITE, RUS playing NHL09 and import sides.
(Use in conjunction with "NHL08 Calendar Creator".)
Also, the utility adds support for Cyrillic characters in names in the forms (the players on their backs).
(Use in conjunction with "NHL08 Add non-Eglish Letterts Patch")

New in version 2.1
1. Fixed bugs with starting the match.
2. Super League can not be changed (think time).

Unzip the contents of the archive to a folder with the game (would require replacement of some files).

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How to use:
1. Edit file LeagueLoader.ini
************************************************** *******************
delay_start = 10 - time delay start the utility (not recommended to change)
enable_letter_patch = 1 - turns on / off patch of Russian letters

enable_extra_league_patch = 0 - turns on / off extra patch League
extra_team_arr = 95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108 - a list of commands league ID (ID, see NHLView of Suchy_63).

enable_sml_league_patch = 0 - turns on / off patch sml League
sml_team_arr = 67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,80,75,76,77,78,79 - a list of commands league ID (ID, see NHLView of Suchy_63).

enable_del_league_patch = 1 - turns on / off patch del League
del_team_arr = 93,81,83,82,88,84,86,87,89,90,91,92,94,85 - a list of commands league ID (ID, see NHLView of Suchy_63).

enable_elite_league_patch = 0 - turns on / off patch elite league
elite_team_arr = 55,56,57,59,61,62,64,60,63,65,66,58 - a list of commands league ID (ID, see NHLView of Suchy_63).

enable_rus_league_patch = 0 - turns on / off patch super
rus_team_arr = 140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159

league_id_dynasty_support = 3 - Support for selected leagues in dynasty (id_sml = 0, id_extra = 3), elite, del - has always maintained
************************************************** *******************

League may include:
sml from 8 to 21 teams;
del 8 to 24 teams;
rus from 8 to 24 teams;
extra 8 to 21 teams;
elite 8 to 18 teams;

2. To use this utility simply run the game Nhl09 as usual (for the idea of the enormous respect Artem "Suchy_63").
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! Warning:
For the patch you need:
1. Correct the schedule to the files "nhl_xxx.tdb" (eg "nhl_del.tdb") from a file with an editor db.viv "NHL08 Calendar Creator"
2. Correct roster using utility NHLView (author Artem "Suchy_63)
3. Add to the files of letters (in jerseys.viv / letters_XXX_X.fsh) using NHL08 Add non-Eglish Letterts Patch and edit them.

************************************************** ******************
************************************************** ******************
Importer of individual beads home team
1.Utility "impbig.exe" must be in the main folder.
2.Boards must be in the subfolder "boards" in the game directory.
The names of the sides of the type: BoardsAKB.fsh BoardsAVA.fsh (abbreviation clearly on the roster - 2 .. 4 letters)
for the remaining teams - BoardsALL.fsh
Also in the folder "boards" to restore files NHL (recovery when exiting the game) should have the files: BoardsDEL.fsh, BoardsLIG.fsh, BoardsINT.fsh, BoardsCZE.fsh, BoardsFIN.fsh, BoardsELI.fsh

Settings in the file LeagueLoader.ini:
INT = 1 - replace the side in the file arenaINT.big (1 / 0 - replace / not replace)
LIG = 1 in arenaLIG.big
DEL = 1 at arenaDEL.big
CZE = 0-in arenaCZE.big
RUS = 0-in arenaRUS.big
FIN = 0-in arenaFIN.big
ELI = 0-in arenaELI.big
repair = 1 to restore the arena when you exit the game (with the unloading of the game)

How it works:
Nhl09.exe searches the address of the home team and the abbreviation abbreviation read format XXX verified the existence of a file in the folder BoardsXXX.fsh "boards",
if he has it is imported under the name "boards.fsh" in the selected files arenaDEL.big, arenaLIG.big ... (parameters: DEL, LIG)
If you change the home team all the repeats.
When you exit the game (if the game is not found) - perhaps restoring arenas default (option: repair)
************************************************** ******************
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The utility is intended primarily for the mode RHLmod, VHLmod, BHLmod
WARNING! Using this tool in other modah - only with the permission of the author.

Author: Egorgiy
e-mail: kulibin@rhl-mod.ru
Url: www.kulibin.rhl-mod.ru

Hilft dir das etwas weiter ?

4League Loader Empty Re: League Loader Mi 01 Jul 2009, 09:01



Ich denke ja. Ich werd mir das auf jeden Fall die nächsten Tage mal anschauen. Very Happy

5League Loader Empty Re: League Loader Sa 26 Sep 2009, 18:00


am 25.9. kam v2.2 raus - ich weiß allerdings was geändert wurde, aber es sieht wohl so aus, dass man die KHL nun mit 24 Teams spielen kann:


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